About Us
Our Beginnings
In 1993, a small group of Christians began a weekly gathering in Waterbury at the home of Paul and Maria Forcucci. These believers met to study the Bible, God's Word. Excitement concerning the truths in God's Word led to a desire to share His Word with others in the form of an outreach. As time elapsed, numbers grew and needs arose, and the Lord birthed a desire in the hearts of those serving to start a New Testament Assembly. On September 7, 1997 this desire blossomed into the first meeting of Waterbury Christian Fellowship. Those committed to God's work in Waterbury held fast to the apostles' example in Acts 2:42. They gathered each Sunday morning to practice the essential components of teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. These areas were also expressed in many smaller facets of assembly life.
One of these many facets were the various Bible studies that took place weekly, biweekly, and monthly. The largest of these was the mid-week study at the Forcucci home where Jack Spender taught the New Testament Church Series. From this study the believers learned how to practically apply God's truth in assembly life. There also saw the need to build up those who were newly saved, and so for a short time, an additional weekly study for new believers began. Under the direction of John Monroe they learned basic Bible principles critical to walking with the Lord. Based on this study and the desire for these young believers to walk in obedience, the assembly held its first baptism on November 4, 1997.
A study at Western Connecticut State University was begun and led by a faithful young student. The Lord did a mighty work through that study and several students trusted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Every Sunday morning these zealous students flocked from Danbury to Waterbury so they could worship the Lord. Believers opened their homes on Sunday afternoons to prepare meals and provide fellowship before their long trip back to WCSU. To further minister to this group an intensive monthly study in the book of Romans.
Within the first six months of this new work much attention was paid to building up and solidifying families within the assembly. The believers understood that the strength of the church as a whole was contingent upon each individual family unit. Therefore, much care was put into organizing groups that would target the assembly's men, women, and children. Fully convinced in God's revelation that each man should be active in the assembly, a biweekly men's meeting was formed to encourage and equip men in the area of leadership. Willing men were also trained to prepare and deliver messages with the intent to feed the flock. The believers of Waterbury Christian Fellowship also realized what an integral part women play in assembly life, and so a weekly ladies study began as a time for the women to search God's word and encourage one another. The assembly also realized the importance of the husband-wife relationship as it is an earthly representation of Christ and His Bride. Thus, a number of marriage studies arose in order to teach man and wife to consider and love one another with the same sacrificial love that Christ shows. Waterbury Christian Fellowship believed that children are a heritage from the Lord and understood what precious treasures these little ones are to the home and assembly alike. In Proverbs 22:6 it is written, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he grows old he will not depart from it." For these reasons a special time each Sunday morning was reserved for Sunday School in order to instruct and encourage the children, who are the future of the assembly. The assembly also realized the hand of influence and wisdom women have concerning children, and so a number of them, supported by the church, began a home schooling group in the fall.
The Lord has shown Himself to be continually faithful. He has richly blessed Waterbury Christian Fellowship in many ways, and we pray that He would continue to lead and guide this assembly to shine as a light in Waterbury.
What We Believe
Our faith is founded entirely upon the truths revealed in the Bible which are inspired by God, without error, and sufficient to guide us regarding all doctrine and practice. Based upon the Bible, we hold to the following beliefs:
⮞ The Bible is God's inspired Word to people. (2 Tim 3:16)
⮞ God exists and has been revealed to man as Father, Son and Holy Spirit: One God. (Matt 28:19)
⮞ All have sinned and have come short of the glory of God; and are in need of salvation. (Rom 3:9-23)
⮞ Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. He is fully God and fully man. (Luke 1:27, 34, Col 2:9)
⮞ Salvation, forgiveness of sin, is only by God's grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His work of redemption on the cross of Calvary. (Acts 4:12, Eph 2:8-9)
⮞ Christ suffered a vicarious death, and rose from the dead in bodily form. He ascended up into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God. (Luke 24:6-7, Heb 1:3)
⮞ The two ordinances in the New Testament are the Lord's Supper and the Baptism of Believers. (1 Cor 12:23-26, Matt 28:19-20)
⮞ There is one Church, the body of Christ, the dwelling place of God through the Holy Spirit, the members of which are united to Jesus Christ as their Head who is in heaven. (1 Cor 11:12-13, Eph 2:20-22)
⮞ The Church is expressed locally by those who gather in the name of the Lord for the purpose of ministry, fellowship, worship and prayer (Eph 2:20-22, Acts 2:41-42)
⮞ The hope of the Church is the personal, imminent, return of the Lord to rapture the Church. (1 Thes 4:13-18)